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Tackling homelessness

Is it not farcical to give citations to the homeless? Are we expecting those citations to have meaning or be paid? These “ideas” — and I use the word liberally — are soporific and lead nowhere. A punitive approach may allow the “designers” of this approach to experience temporary relief as it resembles the old adage of “voiding into the wind.”

Homelessness is a complex frustrating situation across the United States. Poverty in itself is debilitating to the core of a human being.

I suggest a paid commission with multilevel involvement in housing, grant writing, innovation, jobs creation, health care, mental health, etc., that includes members of the homeless community.

Employ a person skilled in bringing folks together to create a mission statement, an agenda or plan, rules of engagement for discussion, and make the meetings available to public forum not public rant.

Let’s do something real and good. Let’s become the leader and the innovator for what is a call to higher purpose.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Elizabeth Cobbs


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