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Spokane liars pamphlet

Today I received my brand new Spokane voters pamphlet.

The excitement was palpable — I remember voting for $30 car tabs once. I believe it passed, but I am not sure anymore, because my last visit cost over $100 for tabs. I also remember voting for the new sports complex to be at the old Joe Albi stadium, like the majority. It just made sense. Nope! Not this time, that really wasn’t a vote, so to speak, wink, wink.

Why don’t we call this pamphlet what it really is, i.e., “This is what we have to tell you, but this is what we are going to do.” Or my personal favorite, “This is what Seattle is doing and look how well it works.” I threw it in the trash. I hope it wasn’t paid for by taxpayers, but heck, who really cares.

Dave Stevens


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