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Stadium deserves a real vote

In 2018, Spokane voters approved a $31 million bond to rebuild Joe Albi Stadium. Because downtown interests didn’t get their way, I feel the events of this past spring were choreographed to make it seem like “we the people” agreed with them. “We the people” had already spoken, by vote, to keep the existing site!

Since 1948, Joe Albi has been used for high school and some college football, monster trucks, rodeos, motor sports, outdoor concerts, marching band competitions, speeches that attracted large audiences, it has even been renovated to accommodate soccer. There is easy access, abundant free parking (for any size vehicles) and it’s on the STS bus route.

Northwest businesses have enjoyed the revenue that these events and these attendees have provided. We were told to think of new revenue for downtown; should it be a permanent loss for northwest businesses? It has been promised to schedule events “logically” so as not to infringe on other downtown venues (think parking, congestion, noise); promoters aren’t in a position to “work with” anyone when scheduling. A downtown stadium will seat 5,000; the old site could even be larger than it is now.

Downtown Spokane Partnership doesn’t represent the entire city and our school board should listen to those who vote for them. When we voted in 2018, did they think we really didn’t mean it? Were they just upset because the vote didn’t go their way so they decided to change the outcome. … I’m untrusting of what happened! Let’s have another vote … a real one.

Marilyn J. Smith


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