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Act now, for all of us

“Climate scientists warned us. When will we listen?” (Eugene Robinson, July 6) opinion piece asks, “One simple question for climate change skeptics: What is it about 121 degrees in Canada that you don’t understand?”

This is insulting, suggesting that we’re stupid and don’t get it. We get it. How could we not? With fires, drought, flooding and excessive heat … we get it. The issue that plagues us is what to do about it. Jonathan Glover’s article (“Hate the heat like me? Then let’s do something about it,” July 14) simplistically states that we should eat a plant-based diet, drive less and have fewer children. These changes would make a difference, but they each involve a major lifestyle change taking time.

The easiest of these three is to figure out how we can drive less. As individuals, without government intervention, we can ride share, ride the bus, carpool, do weekly meal planning, communicate and cooperate with peers. Let’s ask major employers like Amazon to create a shuttle service. Let’s introduce and support the creation of a light rail system. Let’s work together, as neighborhoods, church groups, clubs, organizations to make plans to reduce the use of our cars.

If a doctor said to you, “You have a year to live, but every mile that you don’t drive your car will add days to your life,” I believe you would be motivated. Frankly, I think that’s where we’re at. Now is the time to get serious and act in all of our behalf.

Eileen M. Martin


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