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Fiddling while we burn

The western U.S. will burn to the ground. Not if, only when. And before the flames impact us individually, the widespread smoke will impede the economy and cause long-term health problems that eclipse the deadly impact of COVID. But like Nero of ancient Rome, our “leaders” fiddle while the flames rage. Nothing of substance is done, they only add political hot air to the already scorching heat with their proclamations of emergency, dire warnings and arguing about the causes of this epic threat.

Electric cars and wind power will not make any difference in the near term. If we instantly changed to a 100% green economy it will not stop this firestorm before all that is left is cinders and smoke-damaged lungs. We need to make changes – less carbon emissions and better forest management - over the long term. But it is the short-term actions that will save us from total disaster.

Create a Fire Air Force. Re-direct military spending for funding. Build and modify large planes in adequate numbers to be retardant bombers to saturate fires before they get so large. Such as the KC-135 tankers that are destine for the desert airplane boneyard. Utilize Reserve and National Guard pilots to fly them. Partner with Canada and southern hemisphere nations that have the opposite fire season to share resources and costs.

Or keep listening to that soothing fiddle music while we choke on smoke and sift through the ashes.

Mark Mullane


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