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No to downtown stadium

In 2018 the voters said they would prefer the Joe Albi location for a new stadium because there wouldn’t be any land acquisition fee and there would be lots of space for free parking. When we said no to the downtown partnership in 2018 they heard maybe and when ahead with plans anyway. The voters will be damned.

If they go ahead with the downtown stadium, which will be next to the new Podium sports complex, which will be next to the Veterans Arena, guess what will happen if there are events going on at all three venues at the same time? You will have to go all the way to Hillyard to find parking.

So I suggest they put in a light rail system from Hillyard to the three venues so once you park your car you can get on the light rail system to go to your sporting event. Much of the site preparation for the new Joe Albi stadium has already been done so it wouldn’t make sense to abandon it now. Why not use the money from the downtown stadium to repair our crumbling streets? There are Third World countries with better streets than Spokane

Rick Johnson


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