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Help prevent child mortality

With the COVID-19 vaccine now being administered to U.S. citizens, we are now beckoned with the question of what to do next to stop COVID-19. A crucial step in stopping COVID-19 is giving aid to underdeveloped countries. Diseases do not respect borders, and COVID-19 is no exception. If we do not stop COVID-19 in its entirety, it will always be an issue.

Supporting the Global Health Security Act will not only help with COVID-19, but as well as other infectious diseases that are a major problem in underdeveloped countries. Millions of children die by the age of 5 annually in underdeveloped countries due to infectious diseases according to the World Health Organization. This act would help prevent these deaths and prevent other pandemics and epidemics from spreading.

While aiding the American people who are suffering from the effects of COVID-19 should be a top priority, this does not mean we cannot aid those in underdeveloped countries. We have the resources to give aid to both the American people and those in underdeveloped countries.

I strongly urge Sen. Patty Murray and Sen. Maria Cantwell to support this act. Children in underdeveloped countries are counting on our aid.

Trey McDowell


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