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Stadium nonsense

Mark Richard, the carnival barker for the downtown stadium reminds me of a used car salesman. He would have you believe that the worst lemon on the lot is actually a fancy Rolls Royce. What will it take to get you into a stadium deal today? Don’t let this one get away, it won’t last long. Don’t look behind the curtain and see that there is no parking and the cost estimates have been fudged, knowing they will be adjusted up later, nothing to see here, move along. The soccer teams wouldn’t want to play all the way out at the Joe Albi stadium where there is so much open space.

Much of the underground work has already been done for the new Joe Albi stadium, which includes: water, sewer, and power. Also thousands of yards of dirt have been moved to make room for the new school and the new stadium. It doesn’t make sense to abandon all the work that has already been done at taxpayers expense unless they secure a bond that will cover all contingencies.

Gilbert Hart


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