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This is the way

Who wants this pandemic to be over? I do. Well, it might not ever be all the way over, but hopefully soon we will be able to stop wearing masks, stop quarantining, and maybe even have parties again. How will this happen? If you get your vaccine.

Already, the mask mandate is being revised for vaccinated people. Except for kids in school, fully vaccinated people are allowed to hang out with their vaccinated friends outside or inside without masks. Soon, if people are getting vaccinated, we will be able to do even more things with friends and family.

Right now, if two people in a class at Mead High School test positive for COVID-19, the whole class gets transitioned into remote learning. This makes it really hard for students to learn properly. Please just get vaccinated. If you want to have birthday parties, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, this is the way to do it.

Savithri Bhat, 14 years old


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