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A good change

As we go through a lot of changes in our modern world, I’ve noticed that a lot of the things that we “cancel,” as it is called, seem trivial.

I must admit I saw the name and logo changes for some of Spokane Public Schools’ schools coming, and I thought that it would be another one of those trivial things. Eventually, somebody was going to be offended and it would be changed. It seems that anymore, people get upset by every little thing that they could possibly be offended by. It’s always been something that irked me - there’s a difference between empowerment and victimization.

Or at least, this is what I thought up until recently, when I understood for myself what it feels like to be stereotyped and misrepresented. When someone points out something that makes them feel “otherized” or less than a person, it’s not victimization, it’s calling for change where change is likely due. If the name “North Central Indians” or “Sheridan” truly upsets someone, the rest of us don’t get to decide that it doesn’t - so long as people bear in mind that we’re never going to create a society where nobody is offended.

Change is good when we accept that some things in life will make us uncomfortable anyways, and in some cases, should we look at it that way, can broaden our perspectives. In the case of these SPS schools, though, the change is certainly good.

Grace Whipkey


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