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CMR is hurting families

CMR is hurting our families

Contrary to Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ belief, inflation didn’t just occur in the 10 months Joe Biden has been president (“Biden’s inflation crisis is hurting our families,” guest opinion, Oct. 24).

Inflation has always built over time and certainly was accelerated by the nearly $8 trillion in debt created by the CMR-supported Trump administration’s tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans.

She calls Biden’s Build Back Better Act a reckless tax and spending spree that will hurt people, but anyone who’s read the details knows it’s set to support us middle class and low-income families with affordable health care from cradle to grave, housing, education, child care, broadband internet access, clean drinking water, sustainable energy sources, long-over-due repair and rebuilding of our roads, bridges and ports to support commerce, and more.

And the tab for this investment in our future is covered by taxing those making over $10 million a year, cracking down on tax-cheating by the richest one percent, and making sure trillion-dollar corporations start paying taxes.

It’s CMR and others opposing this help who are really hurting our families.

Madonna Luers


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