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The case for Chalich

In the November 2nd election, I will be writing-in Stan Chalich for the District 5 position on the Central Valley School Board.

Others have shared their endorsement based on Stan’s decades of teaching and community involvement, and rightly so. Stan knows what it means to walk the halls of our schools and build a healthy environment where young people can thrive.

My decision is also about standing up for local government that puts students and teachers above petty political arguments. School board positions are non-partisan; they are meant to provide reasonable leadership for the District. They are not platforms to grandstand about the latest national news debate.

Last August, I attended a Central Valley School Board meeting where a small group of people staged a protest and forced the meeting to adjourn early. I observed threatening language directed toward board members, and later the Sherriff’s office was called to ask people to leave.

Other candidates for this position support this type of divisive behavior. I do not.

My wife and I are raising our family in Spokane Valley, in large part because the schools provide healthy opportunities for students to consider different ideas in a respectful way. Writing-in Stan Chalich will promote civil discourse and protect our children’s learning environment from destructive political discord.

Stan is the best choice for sensible, experienced leadership on the Central Valley School Board. I hope you join me by remembering to write-in Stan Chalich this fall!

Ryan Scott

Spokane Valley

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