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Support for Dr. Bedford

Author John Green, speaking on the importance of public education, says it “exists for the benefit of the social order… [because] I don’t like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people.” Well, John, I don’t like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people either. Better schools are a remedy for ignorance, and that’s why I support Dr. Melissa Bedford for Spokane School Board, Position 3.

Dr. Bedford is an easy choice because, unlike her opponents, she actually has experience teaching in the K-12 classroom environment and therefore knows firsthand the challenges facing Spokane schools. This, combined with professorial experience at EWU, previous success in various leadership roles, and volunteer work with the Spokane Public Library and after-school programs make her the most qualified candidate, hands-down.

Dr. Bedford is committed to ensuring every student in Spokane schools is heard and represented, and as the only Asian American/AAPI person in the race, she embodies this mission to provide a voice and representation to students who have historically felt unheard.

We know well (and the pandemic reminds us) that education is not one-size-fits-all. We need a candidate who understands this reality and will pursue culturally responsive teaching practices to ensure the very best education for every student. And, if you also don’t like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people, join me in voting Dr. Melissa Bedford for Spokane School Board, Position 3.

Christopher Vertefeuille


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