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Jesuits vs. Mark Few

Mark Few made a mistake … on his own personal time, doing that which countless have done. Nobody died. Nobody hurt. No property damaged.

Mark Few has transformed Gonzaga’s basketball program from Cinderella upstart, through mid-major giant killer, to full-fledged national powerhouse status, all while turning down more lucrative offers in order to stay in Spokane and realize a goal. His work with Coaches Against Cancer speaks eloquently to his character.

Jesuits? Decades-long sordid history of serial child abuse, consistently covered up by Jesuit leaders, not just here in Spokane but worldwide. This current Jesuit hypocrisy on display at Gonzaga stinks to high Heaven. Coach Few deserves better than this petty embarrassment. “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” A timeless lesson lost on feckless members of the Society of Jesus.

Bruce Market


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