The hypocrisy of it all
An unvaccinated woman can hold up a cardboard sign that says “My body my choice” and nobody says much even though she has the potential to spread COVID-19 and harm others.
A pregnant woman who wants an abortion holds up a cardboard sign that says “My body my choice” and the Christian Taliban swoops in and says that abortion is against their belief system. In fact they are going to force their belief system on that woman and not let her get an abortion by passing laws like the one in Texas where vigilantes can get a reward for turning in someone who is seeking an abortion. The Christian Taliban has wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade for the last fifty years and now that Trump has packed the Supreme Court with conservatives that has a good chance of happening.
The Trump supporters need to come up with a new baseball cap slogan. Instead of MAGA it should say MAWA — “Make America white again” — so they can keep the brown, black, yellow and red people as second-class citizens.
The great philosopher Pogo stated, “We have met the enemy and they are us.” How true.
Rick Johnson