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I’m angry, frustrated and disappointed — as should be every American who gives a damn about their well-being and that of others. We have reached a crossroads on how we respond to COVID-19 and the delta variant. If we don’t act appropriately we will miss the turn.

Mask and vaccination mandates have been ordered by our governor and president. Why the “draconian” orders from the state and federal government, you ask? To tick you off? No, it’s simply trying to protect those of us trying to avoid sickness or death due to anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. Why do fools continue to refuse vaccination and masks?

There’s no more time to again explain why a person should vaccinate and wear a mask. The pandemic has been reported enough so everyone has to know what to do and what happens when you don’t do the right thing! 659,970 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. and counting.

Governor Little of Idaho joins about 20 other GOP governors in threatening legal action against Biden’s COVID-19 mandates. Meanwhile, hospitals in north Idaho have gone to crisis standards of care because they are overwhelmed with unvaccinated sick patients. The Idaho hospitals are looking for beds across the border in Washington!

Many GOP-led states, including Idaho, have low vaccination rates and a high number of COVID cases. Little should concentrate more on getting “his” citizens vaccinated and less on suing Biden!

Chris Powell


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