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Needlessly suffering

This past weekend I was visiting my friend, standing in his front yard, we see his dad and stepmom’s car come around the corner. In the driver’s seat was his stepmom and it didn’t appear as if Dad was along for the ride! When she pulled in Dad was sprawled out in the back of her SUV.

Why you ask? Because his back is out and he needs major surgery.This man paces the house all night long, if he tries to sleep, it’s on a hard floor. He can’t sit at all! This 71-year-old man literally cries in pain, something his kids have never seen.

Now, why hasn’t he had surgery yet? Because of COVID and the 98% non-vaccinated taking up valuable real estate in our local hospitals! This man is suffering because of ignorance and stupidity because those 98% in his community lack doing what’s right for the greater good.

My opinion … send the anti-vaxxers home with a fruit basket and a “good luck” pat on the back! Clear out these ERs for people who need them and actually care about the health of themselves and others around them!

My friend’s dad is only one of many people I know who are getting pushed back because of the ignorance and stupidity of others not doing the right thing. Something we’ve done over hundreds of years of pandemics. Back when people cared and did the right thing. Is ignorance really bliss?

Kelly Glenn


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