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Write-in Stan Chalich

Late this summer, drowsy with relief that my kids were headed back to school in-person, full-time, I failed to notice an aggressive primary campaign to realign the CVSD School Board. With the November election upon us, I am wide awake, and aggrieved by the candidates before us.

At school board meetings, I witnessed Pam Orebaugh and Rob Linebarger actively encourage their supporters to upset order and civil dialog. Outside the meetings, their supporters flood the inboxes of board members and school administrators with bullying and hostile words. From anti-masking, anti-vaccine hysteria fueled by misinformation to conspiracy theories about CRT and a plotted Marxist takeover, clearly the current school board candidates have a larger political agenda far outside the interests of our school district.

Our school district is not a stage for political grandstanding.

The current CVSD School Board is balanced. They respect each other, school administration, and our community. Is everything perfect? No. But they are committed to our kids and committed to finding solutions for the imperfect parts.

To maintain this balance and continue the CVSD tradition of advocacy and trust—to keep the school district unhampered by politics — we must write-in STAN CHALICH for CVSD School Board, Position 5. For nearly 50 years as a teacher and coach, Stan devoted himself to helping kids. With Stan, we know the School Board will continue to reflect our values — commitment to children, passion for learning, hope for the future, with civility and kindness for all.

Heather Lisle Tanner


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