Letters for Aug. 4, 2022
Chick-Fil-A drive-thru
A bad idea
There is speculation that Chick-Fil-A may be trying to open a restaurant at 29th and Regal (The Spokesman-Review, July 26). This is a very bad idea!
There is an expression, “low hanging fruit” which many use to describe a task that is easy to accomplish. Consider the number of vehicles at any one time in the USA lined up and idling at a drive-thru at a fast food restaurant, coffee shop or other retail establishment? I estimate that the number of vehicles waiting and polluting the air at any one time may be in the high millions, and that may be a conservative estimate.
I have been to Europe and many other countries and have never seen a drive-thru. Perhaps there are some, but not like in the USA. Eliminating, and/or reducing drive-thru access could help reduce pollution. Certainly, cars idling at another Chick-Fil-A for hours is what happened on North Newport Highway or for any length of time is something we don’t need.
The lifestyle of Americans and reluctance to changing habits that may contribute to global warming suggests to me that if we continue as we are, we are leaving our children and grandchildren a grim legacy. I do not find it inconvenient to step out of my vehicle and order my coffee or meal inside. I’m just saying!
Bernie Korth
Turkey in distress
This is not a regular letter, but in a particular area of the South Hill we have a turkey in distress.
He hops on one leg, rests then takes another hop and so far he has survived but one can tell that he could use a little help. I’m wondering if there is someone is Spokane with some vet experience that could help this injured fellow.
Gordon Sanders
Intentions assessment
In response to “Be grateful for people who embrace extremism and then reject it” (Letter to the Editor, July 26): With his background, the Rev. Robert Crosby must know about the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
But back here on earth, the long history of trying to accurately assess whether a human’s intentions are essentially “good” or “bad” have been fraught with trouble.
Remember the Salem Witch Trials, Joan of Arc, the Inquisition, etc.?
Peter Grossman
‘Our democracy is under attack’
There is a new code phrase for Democrats either not getting what they want or the threat that they might lose more in the future and that phrase is, “Our Democracy is under attack.” Maybe what they want or believe in is under attack because the majority of Americans disagree with them? Democracy does not mean one side always winning.
We went the whole summer of 2020 with America actually under attack and even now in many of our large cities with riots, theft, murders and even occupying city blocks but were told that they were “mostly peaceful protests.”
When many election irregularities occurred in November 2020 such as election laws ignored or overrode “because of COVID” that resulted in a Biden win and some objected and even protested it all of a sudden doing so became an “insurrection” and a “threat to our Democracy.”
Many of us feel that what happened on election night after the polls closed truly was a threat to our Democracy and that until those who won as a result are no longer in charge of the investigation we won’t truly know what really happened.
Personally I can’t wait for the explanations from the media and the Democrats as to why no future Democrat candidate will ever come close to Biden’s 81 million votes! I believe then and only then will the truth really come out! What the left really fears is a future Trump run for POTUS because they know he will win.
Rob Leach
Spokane Valley