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Letters for Aug. 29, 2022

Book bans promote ignorance

The neo-Nazi like Christian fundamentalists are banning public library books (“Are libraries becoming the next cultural battleground?” Aug. 19). Censorship is a tool of fascist and authoritarian governments. If you are worried about grooming children by allowing them to read books, why don’t you just skip the teaching of reading? No need to read when you have someone in authority to tell you how and what to think. You can have your own version of Hitler youth. Get them to comply by telling them that a dark angel with a flaming sword will drive their souls into hell if they open a banned book.

In the 1950s I spent a lot of time at my public library finding interesting books to read and pictures to view. Today, any 10-year-old can look up almost anything on a smartphone. Information is available to any child that wants to find it, so why target public and school libraries? Books provide primary sources of information. Ban books to create ignorant children who become ignorant compliant adults.

I recall a stork delivering babies from a cabbage patch and commercials saying cigarettes were good for you. Make America great again by banning books and filling children’s heads with nonsense. Make sure your kids can never escape your cult by giving them your indoctrination and grooming.

Pete Scobby


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