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Letters for Jan. 17, 2022

Mead made wrong decision on vaccines

Many years ago the Mead School District was a small backwater district. Apparently nothing has changed in the minds of the current board with their rejection of a possible COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Perhaps the board needs to open a science book and figure out how all this works?

Vicki Barnes


COVID-19 hospital visitation rights

My father is in Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Not allowing family members to visit their critically ill COVID-19 patient is cruel and inhumane. This contributes to a patient’s sickness and decline both mentally and physically. There are enough safety protocols that could be followed to allow for family visitation rights. My father is in the hospital with COVID-19 and he NEEDS to see my mother in person. Family is essential to fighting this pandemic and they should be allowed on the frontlines.

I hope they change this restricted visitation policy with urgency and compassion for the sake of increasing patients’ chances of living. I truly believe lives depend on it. Please!

Research has shown that “Hospitals with closed visitations saw most pronounced deficits in their performance … The findings of this study indicate that the policy to allow for visitors, or subjective advocates, individuals with a vested interest in the well-being of the patient, is beneficial not only for the patient, but also in sustaining high quality of care.” See: Silvera GA, Wolf JA, Stanowski A, Studer Q. The influence of COVID-19 visitation restrictions on patient experience and safety outcomes: A critical role for subjective advocates. Patient Experience Journal. 2021; 8(1):30-39. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1596.

Jaclyn Parrott


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