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Letters for Aug. 1, 2022

Whitworth professor is no hero

In response to “Disappointed but not surprised: Whitworth declines to define a position on LGBTQ employees after first openly gay professor shares concerns,” (The Spokesman-Review, July 17): I have worked at both Christian universities – Whitworth and Seattle Pacific. I chose to join Whitworth because it more nearly adhered to my evangelical Christian faith, beliefs and values.

Professor Kathy Lee is no hero to me: She knew when she applied and joined Whitworth University its biblical foundation and culture. She knew she was gay, and that as an activist for the LGBTQ community, she was truly being dishonest with Whitworth when she accepted the contract. She knew it was not her role as a faculty member to undermine the philosophical and theological underpinnings of the university. Obviously, she came with an agenda to change Whitworth – to proselytize her students and colleagues. Her every intention was to promote her LGBTQ agenda within faculty and to students; not to adhere to the values of Whitworth University as she agreed to do by accepting the position.

Professors like Lee are “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Their agenda is to destroy, not to enhance and edify the university’s traditions/foundations – the reason parents and students choose Whitworth.

Whitworth and Seattle Pacific universities should continue to maintain their traditional Biblical teachings and values and graduate men and women of character who cherish their Christian heritage.

It isn’t that Whitworth and Seattle Pacific need to change; such activists professors need to go where they can show their true colors.

Roger Long


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