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Letters for March 5, 2022

Who covers the costs for public records requests?

I was shocked when I read Nina Culver’s story on the Feb. 14 Central Valley school board meeting and accompanying theatrics. In particular, “Among numerous other requests, anti-mask group demands Central Valley School Board present all evidence it has that COVID-19 is naturally occurring”

Questions we all should be asking: How much will this cost the district? Aren’t there boundaries for what Public Record Requests can ask for?

No offense, but surely people aren’t looking for medical advice on COVID from public school administrators and board members. They should discuss COVID with their physician.

I’m very sorry to see Public Records Requests weaponized and used to harass and demoralize the hard-working people in the school district. This is a terrible waste of tax dollars that should be used to educate students and pay our fantastic teachers and staff.

I hope the district will attempt to recoup its costs. The faux “attorney” involved (Luis Ewing) is highly unprofessional and should also be held accountable. We need to stand up to people who are working to defund our district and undermine public education.

Petra Hoy


Left asleep on Ukraine

As the Russian onslaught of Ukraine continues, I find the silence of the left, academicians, students, Hollywood, greenies, religious leaders, so called social activists, et al. deafening, disturbing and hypocritical.

The same groups who are quick to jump down the throat of Western (especially the U.S. and Israel) countries for politically incorrect actions, remain silent about Putin, the Chinese government, Iran and North Korea. Where are your public demonstrations now?

At least Sleepy Joe offered the Ukrainian president an Uber lift out of town. What a guy, as the supposed leader of the Free World. The planet needs another Churchill, not a Chamberlain.

Joseph Harari



I fear for my country. We used to be the good guys, the power our friends could count on to keep the bullies away. We make movies about the hero stepping in to challenge aggression. Putin is the bully, attacking and subjugating a free country, an ally of ours. He threatens “dire consequences” if we interfere, so what do we do? Talk. And threaten “sanctions,” which take time to have any effect and which Russia was expecting. Meanwhile the Russian army is being fought in Kiev by an outmanned Ukrainian army and “reserves” – ordinary citizens who picked up a weapon last month, and who are dying in a vain effort to save their country. Putin counts on the west’s fear of war to freeze us and others into inaction, and so far he’s correct.

You know how you deal with a bully? You punch him in the mouth. Send over air support at the least to halt the advance of the Russian forces. Do something! We’re supposed to be a world power, a leader, and right now we have abdicated that position. Let Putin feel the fear of war. Because make no mistake, Ukraine is not the end of his agenda. Along with China, the goal is to topple democracy in favor of one-man rule. Let’s man up to what we are supposed to stand for.

Joseph P. O’Shaughnessy


The Three Stooges

What do Putin, Hitler and Trump have in common? They blame others for their countries’ troubles: Hitler blamed the Jews, Putin blames NATO, Trump blames the courts and elections officials. Hitler was a dictator as is Putin. Trump is a“wannabe”dictator. Hitler was a habitual liar, Putin and Trump are habitual liars. Hitler believed and Putin and Trump currently believe they are above the law. These three leaders make an ideal Three Stooges. With apologies to Larry, Mo and Curly.

Tony Burke Sr.


‘Deer’ Alan

Why would a “burned-out” former English teacher take caustic “exception” to the peaceful existence of an animal-loving vegan? Most likely his prose isn’t the only inflammatory aspect in his life.

Mr. Liere, next time you feel the need to steal your calories, you may want to load this magazine of disturbing discovery into your muzzle:

The animal’s meat you poach and ingest from unsuspecting victims is chock full of 5NEUGC proteins. These specific animal meat proteins are nearly identical to the ones in your buffed trigger finger. After you come down from “one of life’s more pleasurable experiences” and clean up the “fat dribbling down the chin,” rest assured your inhumane innate immune system recognizes this animal’s nearly identical (different by one amino acid base pair) protein now coursing through your blood as a foreign invader. Your dietary mistake foments an adaptive systemic immune response which proceeds to inflame you, precipitating diseases of inflammation until you stop ingesting 5NEUGC.

Your humanity is a blissful but weakly ignorant olive branch extended to the ‘lucky ones’ who “died quickly in its natural habitat, unaware that its life was ending.”

As a professed professor, do you see an ironic personal Shakespearean tragedy unfolding over time in the mirror of your own naturally inflamed habitat?

Ignorance is not bliss nor a means of defense in the court of natural law.

And sometimes when you win, you really lose.

Jeremy Weaver


Representing the citizens of Spokane?

On Valentine’s Day the Spokane City Council, under the direction of President Mr. Beggs, decided to move forward without substantial current input from our citizens with an engineering study to fluoridate the city water for all Residents. This study is very expensive.

Along with many others, I have been in contact with city officials for the past 18 months, over health and environmental concerns. I was not notified in advance of this meeting by the council.

Why would anyone in their right mind in a position which supposedly represents the citizens move forward without extensive public input? Citizen input should have occurred first!

One would think that if one were truly concerned about the environment, one would not sanction the further poisoning of it. According to the KXLY-TV news report which aired on Feb. 15 we already have naturally occurring fluoride in our water – some well sites testing at about 0.5 milligrams/liter. The state of Washington evidently sets the optimal level at 0.7 milligrams/liter. Adding more fluoride is not a COVID emergency.

Please review the science as evidenced on and multiple studies regarding fish. Adding more fluoride to our water supply could negatively affect all plants and animals and people.

Are you truly representing the citizens of the city of Spokane? Please do not waste this huge amount of money to move forward on the further poisoning of our water in Spokane!

Gina McKenzie


Support federal wildland firefighters

I’m a wildland firefighter on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests writing for public support for Tim’s Act, HR5631. Wildland firefighters are exposed to risks and hazards that reduce our quality of life and shorten our life span.

Our starting wages at $15 hourly require us to earn 900-plus hours of overtime each summer to afford basic needs in the off-season. If we’re lucky, we work 16-hour days for 14 days straight, take two paid days off, and repeat until fire season ends. Local ranger districts work their firefighters 13 days straight, then grant one unpaid “day off” on unpaid on-call status. Unsurprisingly, many wildland firefighters are leaving this field. There are many positions remaining unfilled and even engines that will remain unstaffed this fire season.

Many of the promises made by the infrastructure bill (specifically increased pay) will not be fulfilled. The Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity Act will secure funding for a sustainable workforce. Tim’s Act, named after smokejumper Tim Hart who died in the line of duty last summer, will fill the gaps that the infrastructure bill hasn’t.

Wildland firefighters need your support to bring Tim’s Act to the attention of your elected representatives.

Please write your elected representatives in support of providing living wages for the hardworking people who protect your homes and natural resources. Sens. Patty Murray, Maria Cantwell, and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers need to hear from you about Tim’s Act.

Rachel Granberg


Doctor, doctor. It hurts when I do this.

Spokane touts its superb medical facilities. Where are they?

I know about Sacred Heart. (The stents are working great, thank you.) But I’m 70 and some part of my body fails anew on a daily basis. Tried a clinic. The “doctors” were so inexperienced it was Doogie-Howser-land. Two heard my annoying cough and commanded me to “go to the emergency room.” This is when Sacred Heart’s emergency room was in “Crisis Mode.” The suggestion seemed, at the very least, inept and poorly timed. I declined.

Now I’m with a medical group. It’s “doctor roulette.” Every visit I see someone new. I sense the janitor is up next.

I have about 15 conditions, any of which could kill me before I finish this letter. I hope the janitor at my medical group is on call.

Stevan Alburty


Naturopath focus is needed

To be clear, naturopaths prevent diseases by identifying and addressing problems that show up in our blood tests before we are in the disease range. We could use some preventive medicine focus on our Board of Health.

Naturopaths are preventive general practitioners vs. MD specialists who often propose options like surgery and pharmaceuticals with side effects requiring more pharmaceuticals.

Naturopaths are educated in the connections between body systems versus separating our bodies into specialty parts. Naturopaths are educated in nutrition and dietary changes that prevent and cure major diseases.

We need more naturopaths in decision making positions on our Board of Health, for the short and long term health of our community.

Genny LaMorgan


Part of support for Ukraine

Now that we have seen Putin’s willingness to invade and destroy a neighboring country for daring to be a democracy, we need to root out support for Putin and autocracy in the USA. Trump called the Russian invasion of Ukraine “Genius and wonderful.” Those who support Trump are undermining democracy, one of them is Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers. We need both parties to run someone against her this election because she has proven herself unfit to hold public office.

Lisa Weber


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