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Letters for Oct. 25, 2022

Washington state senate race

In case there is any confusion, Patty Murray didn’t cause the Capitol Hill Starbucks to close. She didn’t hire a stadium full of IRS agents to squeeze middle and lower income citizens. The IRS was so short on employees that calls from taxpayers for assistance and answers to questions could not be processed, refunds were not issued in a timely manner.

Job openings are simply being filled. We may all recall that it was the Trump administration who most recently lowered income taxes for the wealthiest Americans and corporations.

Tiffany Smiley’s unfounded and frankly ridiculous claims are becoming quite tedious and worse, if elected, she will threaten reproductive freedom for all American women. I would expect a nurse to have some understanding of the realities and nuances of pregnancy. The Republican party purports to be in favor of small government and yet wants the government in our bedrooms and physicians’ offices. The hypocrisy boggles the mind.

There will always be problems and challenges for our country regardless of who is in office. The absurdity of the Tiffany Smiley campaign blaming all of society’s ills on Patty Murray can not possibly resonate with any thinking person.

Tiffany Smiley is an attractive, intelligent and articulate woman. Don’t let that be enough to fool you. Her interests are in support of the Trump party, not the good of the American people.

Patty Murray is a committed and tireless public servant and she has my vote.

Kathie Endresz


Do your research, vote for truth

The Federal Trade Commission regulates truth in advertising, but that only applies to commercial ads intending to protect consumers and NOT political ads. Political ads are considered “freedom of speech” and local broadcast channels, NBC, CBS and ABC news stations are required to air candidate’s ads unfiltered. Don’t take political ads necessarily as truth, do your homework! Vote for truth!

Mary Anne Brown


Yes, we do blame Murray and the Democrats

In a recent letter to the editor, Pete Scobby (“Happy to oblige,” Oct. 16) expressed his angst over people blaming Sen. Patty Murray for the numerous disasters befalling America and asked why we don’t blame Cathy McMorris Rodgers. This really is quite classic. Democrats vote for Democrats and for progressive policies, then when the results are quite predictably a disaster, they take no responsibility.

We don’t’ blame Cathy for inflation because it is the Democrats who continue to pass a trillion dollar spending bills and fund them with dollars created out thin air by the Federal Reserve via quantitative easing, which is the definition of inflation. Patty did it! We don’t blame Cathy for high gas prices because they land squarely on the shoulders of Democrats. The Democrats killed the XL Keystone pipeline which would be delivering one million barrels of oil to America today, and banned new leases on federal lands ending American’s energy independence enjoyed under the previous Republican Administration.

Then Biden goes to OPEC and embarrassingly begs them to expand oil production in order to bail the Democrats out of the disaster of their making. We don’t blame Cathy for rampant crime because it is a Democrat idea to let criminals out of jail with “no cash” bail and to defund the police. Uncontrolled borders? Another Democrat idea. Patty Murray and Democrats own this disaster and the people suffer. Are any of the results of these polices really a surprise to Democrat voters?

David Barnes

Spokane Valley


Democratic Sen. Patty Murray’s main issue in her reelection bid with challenger Tiffany Smiley seems to be abortion.

Let’s put this argument to rest. The Constitution grants the federal government broad, but limited, powers as defined in our Founding document. Any “future rights” beyond the original document requires an amendment process, as was the case with Black suffrage, women’s suffrage and 18-year old voting amendments. Abortion holds no such decree. The Supreme Court rightly sent it back to the states to give citizens a voice in governance.

Using abortion as a shiny object ploy to deflect the public’s attention away from current events is not worthy of a senior 30-year politician. Patty Murray is a legacy legislator in the Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi mold who are long past their prime. Their mismanagement of the economy, energy, crime, education, Afghan disaster, the border and the rise of woke socialism, is of their own making.

Don’t let Democrats and their media allies flood you with their poll tested, hypocritical version of reality. The reality we need is found in candidates like Tiffany Smiley who are grounded, hardworking, trustful and focused to steer this nation forward. Be sure and vote, elections matter.

Roy Fullerton 

Liberty Lake

French for Spokane County Commission

In these precarious times, we need proven, dedicated leadership that will guide us through this unprecedented period in our history. We need Al French. His devotion to our state has had a long record of representing his community, stretching all the way back to his days as the head chair of the Nevada-Lidgerwood Neighborhood Council, to his current position as District 3 Spokane County commissioner. A vote for Al French, is a vote for common sense.

Christopher Savage


Hill supports defunding the police

I recently saw a video where Natasha Hill said she supports defunding the police. I even read an article where she said that law enforcement is “complicit in the worst gang this country has ever seen.”

This type of rhetoric is dangerous for the safety of our community. With crime on the rise in Eastern Washington and across the country, now is not the time to defund and demonize the police. We need to fund and support the police.

Natasha clearly doesn’t understand what this community supports. Here in Eastern Washington, we are proud of our law enforcement officers. What Natasha Hill supports will make our community less safe.

We need elected officials who are going to stand by our sheriff’s deputies and police officers. That is why I’m supporting Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

Keith Hyle

Spokane Valley

Democrats don’t support farmers

As a farmer in Spokane County, Cathy McMorris Rodgers has my vote. Like every other industry, over the past two years we have seen our input costs dramatically increase. From fuel prices to fertilizers costs, these price increases are killing us farmers. President Biden and Democrats in Congress have done nothing to help mitigate these problems. And now President Biden supports tearing out our dams.

It couldn’t be more clear to me that Democrats don’t have farmers’ and Eastern Washington families’ best interests in mind. Our dams support our agriculture industry through barging our crops. They provide the cleanest, most affordable energy here in Washington State. Cathy has defended our dams and stood up for farmers across Eastern Washington. With the next farm bill on the horizon, we need a voice in Congress who understands our priorities. Cathy delivered for us on the last farm bill, she can deliver for us on the next and continue to fight for us farmers. We need to send Cathy back to Congress.

Debra Estey

Spokane Valley

Transportation projects

Reading the front page about the millions slated to be spent on the many road projects over the next six years was an eye opener (” ‘Really good project’ planned,” Oct. 17). We live in Spokane County in a quaint neighborhood known as Morgan Acres. Once again, we are not on any list for much needed street improvements. Our area encompasses East Lincoln Road, North Crestline, East Francis and North Market. Our roads are a patch work of filled potholes that are in need of constant repair. My street, East Wilding Avenue, specifically, is a heavily used connection to and from Market within the neighborhood. Cars navigate the many holes by driving against traffic. The residents here saw a jump in property taxes and we see no evidence of the benefits for paying them once again.

When will Morgan Acres receive the attention to our streets that they need beyond a pothole repair?

Darlene Lockert


Support for Deanna Crull

Deanna Crull is the only choice for District Court judge, position 6. As a former prosecutor who worked opposite Deanna, I can guarantee that she has the even temperament, depth of knowledge and trial experience that it takes to be a judge. She is well respected by judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and court staff alike.

Most importantly, Deanna is exceptionally well versed in the types of cases that are heard in District Court, for example, DUIs and other “lower level” crimes. These cases require specific knowledge of the minute legal and procedural issues that are unique to misdemeanor cases, whether it’s at a first appearance, an evidentiary hearing, or trial. Deanna’s experience with these particular types of cases gives her the ability to properly address them in a timely manner, keep her courtroom running smoothly and efficiently, and ensure that her decisions aren’t overturned on a technicality.

Deanna isn’t running for political reasons, she’s running because she wants to improve the courtrooms where she has practiced for so long and use her experience to ensure that justice is done.

Spokane would be lucky to have Deanna on the bench. I invite you to join me in voting for Deanna Crull for district court judge.

Courtney Whitten


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