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Letters for Nov. 15, 2023

It makes no sense

Our newly arrived liberal majority voted overwhelmingly to drastically restrict places where homeless can legally camp, showing they are finally tired of dealing with their ever-increasing numbers and the issues that surround them. Good! But … they also voted into office the candidates who by their own admission will continue to subsidize our homeless crisis, assuring that the population will continue to grow at an ever-increasing rate. And the topper is they also voted against a new larger jail as a place to put those same homeless who violate the law they just passed.

This makes no sense. Here’s a prediction: It’s going to get a lot worse for the next four years before it gets better!

Hal Dixon


Start planning and get back to us

This was a hard measure to note no, but no is how I voted. When I heard both Police Chief Craig Meidl and Sheriff John Nowels say we’ve needed a new jail for 15 years, why didn’t this measure have a substantial plan?

It boggles the mind why those 15 years weren’t spent developing a plan for such a measure. Without a plan, I wasn’t willing to write a blank check.

So, county commissioners, start planning and get back to us.

Beverly Gibb


Here’s the true inequality

Phillip Moyle’s letter on income inequality causing homelessness is noteworthy (“Income inequality leads to homelessness,” Nov. 9).

Unions are great at getting shared prosperity, but you have to belong to one. Less than 1 in 12 private sector workers belong.

Meanwhile, arguably all public sector workers benefit tremendously from secretly negotiated union contracts.

There’s your inequality.

And of course, Council President-elect Betsy Wilkerson has the firefighters union endorsement. More inequality, all while public sector workers often go by titles like “landlord” and “second home owner.”

Public sector workers can afford so much more house than oft-tenant private sector workers they’ve actually become an enemy of affordable housing.

If income equality is the goal, then one can only be pro-private sector unions.

Wilkerson’s firefighter union alliance is a culprit, not a cure.

Mike Reno


Protesters show hypocrisy

Are the protesters out there calling for the cease-fire in Gaza to stop the killing of children the same ones who protest for abortion rights? Neither child gets a say in the matter. Just asking.

John Herning


Money can’t buy me votes

I was in college during the Beatles era. You may remember the phrase from one of their popular hits, “Money can’t buy me love.” In the Nov. 7 election, Spokane and Spokane County have shown that money can’t buy me votes!

Money did not decide who would be mayor or council president. It did not buy a new jail. I am so proud that I live in a city and county where residents make decisions despite the bombardment of ads to defame opposition candidates and promote a mega real estate project. Well done!

Morag Stewart


GOP lacks fiscal responsibility

It saddens me that David Barnes believes the lie that the Republican Party is fiscally responsible (“Democrats spend irresponsibly,” Nov. 3). Looking at the past presidents: Republican Ronald Reagan more than doubled our national debt leading us into a recession. Republican George H.W. Bush, continuing Reagan’s policies, added another 42% to our debt. Democrat Bill Clinton cut the yearly deficits in the budget until he balanced it – the only president in our lifetime to do this. Republican George W. Bush could have continued a balanced budget, but instead added $4.2 trillion to the debt, adding another 72% to our debt and leading us into the Great Recession. Democrat Barack Obama inherited this fiasco and somehow kept us out of a depression while cutting the yearly deficit every year in office except for one.

If we could have continued this path, we could have balanced the budget again. But Republican Donald Trump gave tax cuts to the rich which added $2.5 trillion to our debt, while seeing very little benefit to the economy.

Then his mishandling of the pandemic added another $5 trillion to the debt while having a net loss in jobs. The only president to have a net loss of jobs. Democrat Joe Biden is saving $10 trillion in the next decade that would have been added to our debt if we continued Trump’s policies. Job growth patterns are the same: Democratic presidents adding 164,000 a month on average, Republican presidents adding only 61,000 per month. Do not believe the lie that Republicans are fiscally responsible.

Rick Otteson

Clayton, Wash.

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