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Letters for Oct. 23, 2023

Increase in gun violence in Spokane

The EWU Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis, a reputable source of policy and economic information backed by hard data, published a disturbing graphic in the Oct. 15 edition of The Spokesman-Review in the Business section. That graphic clearly showed a significant increase in gun violence in Spokane during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. That period also corresponds to Mayor Woodward’s tenure in Spokane. My question for Mayor Woodward is this: “Is there a solution to this trend that the mayor’s office can propose?”

Michael Ebinger


No offense taken

Offended by an article that said “old ladies”? Not in the least (“Article quote offends seniors,” Oct. 13).

I first visited Dolly’s in the ’80s with my husband. I am so happy that a family has dedicated themselves to bringing and staying in business in our community as long as they have when so many have had to close during the difficult times.

So, all of that to say, “Thank you Dolly’s” and looking forward to my next visit, hopefully with some “old ladies.” By the way, my birthday is coming up and I will be 90.

Leah Scott


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
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(509) 459-3815

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