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Dear Kiantha: Turn away from fear of failure to find space to bloom


Dear Kiantha,

When do you know it’s time to walk away from what you’ve known toward something new? My life is in crisis and I want to create a new life for myself, but I am afraid to fail at something new.

Dear Friend,

Fear of the unknown often keeps us from making life-changing decisions, even when those decisions are in our best interest. Fear has a way of manipulating our minds. Fear causes us to believe that the worst outcome possible is probable. Fear is vicious and it holds us tightly as we look for light in moments of crisis.

All of us fall victim to the belief that there is either failure or success. In truth, there is more likely an intersection of the two. A place in which the culmination of our experiences dwell.

When we are uncomfortable with where we are in life and find ourselves desiring life-altering change, I believe it is our soul calling us.

You have every right, at any moment, to create a new life for yourself. Just as trees shed their leaves, you too can shed the parts of you that no longer suit you in preparation for your new bloom.

There is no failure in blooming. The time is now. You owe it to yourself. You may have simply outgrown the life you currently have and are preparing for something greater.

Trust yourself. Trust your intuition and most of all know that you and only you, can create whatever it is that you want for yourself. Make today your day to bloom.

Soul to soul,


Dear Kiantha can be read Fridays in The Spokesman-Review. To submit a question, email

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