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Hard times, hard choices

The Spokesman-Review

As the parents of two District 271 students, one at Lakes Middle School and one at Fernan Elementary School, my husband and I are in complete support of the upcoming levy in Coeur d’Alene. All the information required to make an informed decision is on the district Web site at

This levy is to replace the 2007 levy, which will expire this spring. When you vote yes for this levy, you will not see an increase in your property tax. By the way, our district’s current property tax rate is lower than 95 percent of the 115 school districts in Idaho.

Remember, the quality of our school system has a real and direct influence on our property values. The reputation of our schools and the value you and I place on education directly influences the families our city attracts. Let us send the powerful message to our children that their education is significant and valuable, and to their community.

The deserving students of District 271 need your careful consideration. It is vital to the future of our great city and our children to vote yes for the supplemental levy on April 21.

Melanie Chun

Coeur d’Alene

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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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