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Get past ‘socialized medicine’ fear

The Spokesman-Review

OK, let’s put this ridiculous idea of “socialized medicine” to rest. First, I am a Vietnam vet who grew up as a dependent kid, who married a serviceman. I was injured on active duty during the war and receive a small disability.

However, the most important thing to me is that I still have access to the VA medical system. So most all my life I have been well cared for by the “socialized medicine” we provide our military and vets. Then, everyone I know who has Medicare is grateful to have it, and as far as I know, the House and Senate and all our past presidents have participated in a similar system, provided by the public health care. None of them has ever turned it down.

So ask yourself this: If the “socialized systems” are good enough for these people and myself, why aren’t you good enough to get it? Perhaps we just need to ask, and then make sure they vote in a public health care option in the new health care reform bill we all know is coming.

Cynthia Hamilton


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