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Right being wronged

The Spokesman-Review

OK, I think I have it figured out. After reading the Homeland Security Department’s report on right-wing extremism, it all starts to make sense. The Constitution is irrelevant; the concept of limited government is out.

We are finished with rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in favor of change – change to a pattern of governance in which a person that disagrees is now dangerous and must be watched. For example, a person is very questionable if they believe that the Second Amendment means that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” and if he goes out and buys a gun and a supply of ammunition he is a real threat.

So our freedoms are being displaced with a huge controlling bureaucracy, and government of the people, by the people and for the people gives way to government of the politically powerful for the elite. It is all very clear but not at all acceptable to me.

Dave Miller


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