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What public safety?

The Spokesman-Review

A new (renewed) tax for public safety? What a joke. What has “public safety” provided us in the last five years? A mentally ill citizen killed for trying to buy soda. A drunken officer shooting up Peaceful Valley (and Shonto Pete). A fireman who thinks it’s okay to “date” teenage girls in the firehouse. And recently, officers shoot to death a young man who was already down on the ground. No doubt they will be found to have done nothing wrong either.

If there is any doubt, I’m sure they can count on 911 to “accidentally” erase the tapes so these officers can get $70,000-plus jobs with the department after they are “let go” by the department. Before you let someone (this newspaper) convince you that this is “only” a few dollars from you, read what they said. This is millions of dollars that could be better be spent by the community than by a city that admittedly does not investigate crime. Don’t believe me? Call and ask for an officer to come take a report.

Donny Hearn


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