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Dirty politics

The Spokesman-Review

So, there is proof of dirty politics because Cathy McMorris Rodgers said she would like to see proof of President Barack Obama’s citizenship. Wow, how amazing that dirty politics are now happening after eight years of bipartisanship. What was it before, just insightful questions? Bush lied, war for oil, falsified National Guard records, leaked security information, etc. Those were just the liberals being patriotic.

Or maybe the people who think politics are dirty now have been gone for the last eight years. It is always entertaining reading letters to the editor. You get such good lines, dirty politics, McMorris Rodgers getting government-run health care and doesn’t want us to have it. When in reality, she gets private health care paid for by her employer and us, of course.

I can’t wait until the next presidential election. Instead of a popularity contest, we can get qualified candidates who can restore this great country, and lead us in the right direction. I won’t hold my breath, because it will be more politics as usual.

Ron Brazington

Deer Park

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