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Tuition burden excessive

The Spokesman-Review

Can Eastern Washington University students continue to afford a higher education with rising tuition costs? Like many, as a nonworking, full-time college student of Eastern, I find it hard to understand how the state or even federal government expect me and those like me, with little availability of lending banks for loans, rising tuition costs and little potential for post-college employment, to afford or even justify continuing college.

According to an October 2008 article from Eastern, enrollment at the college is up 2.1 percent from last year, and with enrollment increasing, affordable tuition continues to be a great promotional tool. Eastern has announced a potential 7 percent increase in tuition for the 2009-’10 school year; besides job cuts, the college should look elsewhere to save money before raising tuition. This can be done through cutting nonprofitable programs such as certain athletic programs and clubs.

Athletics provide many benefits to student athletes as well as the school, but many existing programs cost the school more money than is profited. It is these programs that the school can look at to help cut costs while maintaining their reputation for affordable tuition costs and a continued level of growth in enrollment.

Nicole L. Townsend

Davenport, Wash.

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