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Talking about real money

The Spokesman-Review

I agree with part of your comments about taxpayers and voters (“Keep voters in loop,” Jan. 14). All citizens deserve full accounting and our city deserves to have informed voters. However, this is not the time of our lives to have “Disney Dreaming” of how much tired taxpayers will pay for and “Goofy” scheduling of tax votes that are endangered by current events.

The city bond issue is less than 4 percent of the school district’s two measures, which include the operating levy of $186 million and the construction bond of $288 million. If a voter adds the city measure of $18.5 million we are very close to one half of a billion dollars. Ouch. The district was right to want separation.

Will any of the three measures pass? Maybe, but I think that it is bad timing to ask for them as they are currently structured. We need tax reductions and fiscal restraint in this economy. Perhaps the writers will get it right the second time when they are forced to use a sharp blue pencil to reduce the taxes. I am voting “no.”

Anson Avery


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