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Sentence reform overdue

The Spokesman-Review

The recent release of Stevan Dozier who spent 15 years in prison for a second-degree offense is clemency well deserved. The Clemency Board has since approved clemency for two other “three-strikers” with the same history. They had been sentenced to life in prison for low-level offenses and now await the governor’s consent for release.

We certainly wish them the best of luck, and we look forward to the appeals of many others being approved. Our hats are off to Dan Satterberg, King County’s prosecuting attorney, for his efforts in achieving justice for these people. Other counties should follow his example.

It is time that Washington legislators looked at our sentencing laws. Statistics show that longer sentences are not effective as deterrents to crime. Our current rate of incarceration and its projected steady growth is unaffordable. Those committing heinous crimes would receive lengthy sentences without a “three strikes” law, and they are the ones who should be occupying the expensive prison space.

Tracy Karstetter


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