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Holiday coverage disappointed

The Spokesman-Review

I am again disappointed that the July 5 and 6 issues had no mention of the community gathering in Riverfront Park to celebrate our nation’s independence on July 4. It was interesting, and I enjoyed reading about Perfection-Nots participating in the Coeur d’Alene celebration.

Maybe the article and pictures, covering almost three pages, on the Methow Valley festival in late June, at which about 250 people participated, could have been shortened to report on the Neighbor Day event in Spokane that attracted between 20,000 and 30,000 citizens and visitors that, in the midst of uncertain economic times, continues to be supported and sponsored by a wide variety of local businesses.

A picture of families having fun, enjoying our park and the day’s activities and a brief mention of the expectation of a live concert followed by fireworks would have gone a long way.

Gordon Budke


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