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Vets owed lasting honor

The Spokesman-Review

I had the privilege and honor of volunteering at the 29th Annual Veterans Wheelchair Games. However, I was not prepared for the impact it had on me to see hundreds of our wounded veterans in one group, and to realize that this is a small representation of those who had given so much to provide us the freedoms we too often take for granted.

We hear about our wounded veterans, read about them and may even know someone who was wounded in battle, but the absolute humility I experienced that weekend was profound.

We need to never forget that the liberty we have in this great country was purchased at tremendous cost. May we always honor and respect those who serve, those who have served and those who now rest in the hands of God. We thank you for your service and dedication to your country; our gratitude and prayers are with you daily. May God grant you a safe journey home.

Kameron McLean


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