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We’re paying for GOP policy

The Spokesman-Review

To let GM and Chrysler go out of business would be a huge mistake. In our perilous times, if we needed war production, could we depend on foreign-owned companies? Ford had a factory in Germany during World War II, so with over 70 years of overseas factories they should have the experience to compete.

American manufacturers didn’t cause our problem. They got the results of Republican trade policies. Southeastern states gave tax breaks to foreign auto companies to build factories in their states, while at the same time operating non-union shops, cutting wages and benefits.

In my view, when they sell cars in our country, they should pay similar wages and benefits received by other autoworkers. By working for lower wages, they pay less income tax and Social Security. When millions of jobs have been moved offshore, the tax base leaves with the job. When a worker loses his job, we lose a customer.

President Obama inherited G.W. Bush’s mess. He is trying to correct the problem, but with over 14 million unemployed he has an uphill battle.

Ron Miller


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