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Cost mirrors quality

The Spokesman-Review

Health care in U.S. costs more than in other countries. It costs more because we have more money. It costs more because we have the latest in medical instruments and drug technology. Our doctors, the best trained in the world, are “doctors of last resort” for many in the world. Some want to destroy that. Be very careful what you ask for.

ObamaCare means rationing of health care. This is the worst part of socialized (i.e., single-payer) medicine. The liberal press honors the British socialized medicine system where people over 65 are low priority for many life-extending procedures such as angioplasty, stents, mammograms, MRIs and CAT scans that are vital to health care.

No statins for heart disease. Let nature take its course. Cataracts? No surgery. Just part of getting old, folks. It’s called “rationing of care.” It means when you’re over the government-approved age, you are low priority for the expensive care or drugs we now take for granted. Your life is low priority to the government medical bureaucracy.

The ones in this country who want “national health care” are the 40 percent who pay no taxes. And Obama appointees who “forget” to pay their taxes.

J. Gary Post

Moscow, Idaho

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