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U.S. back on right path

The Spokesman-Review

I concur that it is the right of our citizenry to criticize the president. However, I do not believe there is a modicum of truth in John Schlosser’s criticisms (Letters, June 16) except one. Obama is rapidly changing this country, and I couldn’t be happier.

Schlosser suggested Bush did not ruin this country’s reputation. He envisions a world where America rules through fear: both its own population and that of the world. America has, for much of its history, been an international beacon of hope. I want to see that restored. Fear-based politics and xenophobia cannot be allowed to pervade our policies.

The world is changing and the example we set is extremely important. We have learned in Iraq democracy cannot be granted by the sword; it must be desired by the people. Even as we speak, the Ayatollah’s grip over his people has been weakened. The mantra of the moment: change.

Our greatest weapon is our ideals, beliefs and inalienable rights. Bush was lured into conflicts that destroyed our world reputation. I do not doubt his sincerity; he was outsmarted and played directly into their hands.

Paul Warden


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