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Government record poor

The Spokesman-Review

To people wanting government health care, how can this be good for people who worked all their lives and believe in taking care of their selves? My wife and I have received notices that our doctor will not treat us, or anyone on Medicare, after July 31. After working and paying into the Medicare system (controlled by government) all of our working years, we are being denied treatment.

Doctors must wait for their money, submit mountains of paperwork and may still be denied payment altogether with no recourse open to them. I contacted friends in other states about this, and about half have responded this is very common in their areas also.

Doctors are quitting the system, others not accepting Medicare patients, so it will be difficult to replace the doctor we have had for several years.

Is this government’s plan to save Social Security? They deny care by not paying the doctors, doctors quit treating us, we all die and they blame the doctors.

For you wanting government health care, I have to ask why. The government can’t handle the system they created; why do you think the future system will be different?

Ralph Harvey

Coeur d’Alene

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