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Sensible, not sexual

The Spokesman-Review

The reprinted editorial from the Kansas City Star (Feb. 23) admonishing President Obama to overturn the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy seemed to miss the point.

There are places we do not want sexualized. That is why we have separate men’s and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. The military does not want its forces sexualized.

The presence of a gay service member obviously makes sexual activity a possibility. The military is uncomfortable with this. On the other hand there are many fine military personnel that are gay. So how do you keep sex from becoming an issue among our armed forces?

The military’s response seems extremely rational. They simply state that sexual behavior is a personal and private matter. The service member needs to keep it personal and private. If they do so the military has no further interest.

When this policy is carried out by discharging a female service member for being seen kissing another woman in a grocery store, the problem is stupid enforcement.

The policy itself remains sensible and appropriate. Why it is a travesty of some sort is hard to grasp.

James Becker


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