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GOP impedes consensus

The Spokesman-Review

Re: “Plan to bypass filibuster considered,” March 18:

So Republicans are “howling” about the Democrats possibly approving a rule to allow passage of health care and energy bills.

I used to be with them on this issue. I took heat last year from Democratic Party friends for arguing that whoever the next president was, he/she would need to govern from the center by consensus.

I argued that we all have to own the problems even if they were created largely by Republican Congresses.

Then came the stimulus bill vote in the House. Not a single Republican vote, and ludicrous claims about being excluded. It’s hard to govern by consensus and from the center when no Republicans live there.

Until Republicans like Cathy McMorris Rodgers start to care more about all of her constituents, “consensus” remains a platitude. I would love to see some consensus on key legislation. But we need health care and energy legislation right now, not two years from now.

Clearly, this group of Republicans won’t accept their responsibility to solve problems. They want bumper stickers for the next election. They learned nothing from the last election. Sadly, I have to support party-line majority votes on these critical pieces of legislation.

Jim Wavada


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