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Wolf plan has a cost

The Spokesman-Review

Stevens, Ferry and Pend Oreille counties’ economies cannot afford a wolf plan without compensation. A coalition of farmers, ranchers and property owners is being formed to save what little wild game we now have from incoming wolves that subsequently will turn to attacking our livestock and pets. Private property will be heavily posted to restrict hunting.

The Endangered Species Act is the most powerful and worst law ever written in the United States. It has become an instrument of extreme abuse. If the citizens of our state want wolf packs established, then funding must be a part of the package to pay for predation of livestock and pets.

The past record of this vicious predator speaks for itself. Wolves were introduced into Yellowstone Park to control the overabundance of elk, deer and moose that were destroying the habitat. Many years ago, park rangers shot over 4,000 elk and let them lie to rot. Hunting is not allowed in parks, so now the wolves control the ungulates. This scandal was a real shame never to be repeated again. If wolves are allowed, provide fair compensation.

Tony Delgado

Loon Lake, Wash.

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