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The Spokesman-Review

Experience, hope, enthusiasm, respect, honesty and integrity. Are these character traits you believe are essential for City Council members to possess?

Spokane Valley Mayor Rich Munson personifies all of these qualities. He has worked for our city tirelessly for the past seven years, applying these traits to make the city of Spokane Valley a better place to live. He has been successful and promises to continue this record of success if you return him to office for another four years.

We need City Council members who have helped direct this city through the tough and good times. Vote for Munson for Position 5, Spokane Valley City Council.

Kathi Meyer

Spokane Valley

Letters policy

The Spokesman-Review invites original letters on local topics of public interest. Your letter must adhere to the following rules:

  • No more than 250 words
  • We reserve the right to reject letters that are not factually correct, racist or are written with malice.
  • We cannot accept more than one letter a month from the same writer.
  • With each letter, include your daytime phone number and street address.
  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

Unfortunately, we don’t have space to publish all letters received, nor are we able to acknowledge their receipt. (Learn more.)

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Letters to the Editor
The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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