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Wear the scarlet I-1033

The Spokesman-Review

If you vote “yes” for Tim Eyman’s Initiative 1033, do us all a favor. Write this down: “I voted for I-1033.” Then stick the note on your refrigerator.

You see, you often forget your deeds when, months later, you reap what you have sown. Another Eyman disaster takes root, thanks to you, and you want none of the credit.

Sure, those couple of extra lattes you can now afford with your $8-per-month savings should be sweet reminder enough. But strangely, sipping them in the unemployment line, they never are.

Vote for I-1033 and see what happens, or you can just ask Colorado.

They watched their state sink from a similar measure. After a lot of time and money wasted, they threw their I-1033 out the window. Now it’s going to cost them even more to fix the damage done.

Hey, while you’re at it, make yourself a little reminder if you cast your vote for Mike Fagan, Eyman’s right-hand man.

Why not wear a T-shirt emblazoned with your bad decisions? Then those of us who voted “no” on I-1033 will know whom to blame when we have to clean up your mess – again.

John Griffith


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