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A community bargain

The Spokesman-Review

Many people are working on a short timeline to get signatures on petitions to put a low-cost tax measure on the ballot to support our children and their educational process. This is a widely based grass-roots effort by concerned citizens who care about the high dropout rate in our public schools.

The “cost” is 35 cents per $1,000 of assessed value per year for five years – about $70 a year on a $200,000 home, and it is money well spent to protect the value of your property. If a community does not have a credible public school system it is doomed to decline over time.

Please consider signing a petition when it is offered to you. The collateral damage of poor education is directly visible in our city’s low-income and homeless feeding programs, and on the streets of Spokane every day.

John A. Olsen


Letters policy

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  • No more than 250 words
  • We reserve the right to reject letters that are not factually correct, racist or are written with malice.
  • We cannot accept more than one letter a month from the same writer.
  • With each letter, include your daytime phone number and street address.
  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

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Letters to the Editor
The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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