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Obama ineffective

Obama promised that unemployment would not exceed 8 percent with his stimulus scheme. His regime practices faulty math with unemployment data and supports big government while imposing more regulation and taxes that fuel more layoffs in the private sector. The fiscal irresponsible spending since Obama became president has not created jobs but only added record deficits while destroying more and more private-sector jobs. Obama and his Democrat Congress continue to just give speeches, ramming programs down the throats of Americans, suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome (blame Bush for everything) while growing more arrogant, cavalier and fundamentally dishonest every day.

The $787 billion stimulus has not been successful because at the same time Obama wanted to put cash into the economy, he also worked to punish successful people, many of whom spend a lot of money and invest. His ineffective reaction to the oil spill, wasteful spending, high unemployment, threats from Iran, chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates he is unable to solve the most serious problems. Reading speeches from his teleprompter and attacking the private sector and our allies does not put people to work. Leaders focus on solutions, and Democrat politicians focus on who they can blame.

Richard Wilhelm


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