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Labor prolonging recession

Mind you, I am not a union “basher” or “buster.” I was a dues-paying member of one for 22 years. I was even a shop steward for a while. I agree that, without unions, we’d all still be working 14-hour days for starvation wages and in abysmal conditions.

But facts and reality must be faced sooner or later. Over decades of collective bargaining, unions’ (both private and public) pushing of wages and benefits up to levels just not sustainable has resulted in a sluggish, bloated economy unable to shake off a severe recession which commenced nearly three years ago.

It is particularly acute in the public sector, wherein unions have always had a trough of tax money upon which to levy their demands. All across the nation right now are municipalities (states, cities, towns) foundering on bankruptcy trying to fund employee wages, health care and retirement benefits – all union-derived.

Forgive me, teachers, but I can’t read the newspapers and escape the impression that every attempt to bring desperately needed reform to our public school system has been effectively thwarted or blocked by one of your unions.

Dennis P. Roberts


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