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Raceway deal welcome

Your columnist Doug Clark wonders why there are not letters to the editor expressing outrage over what he calls “Republican lackies dumping carloads of cash into Spokane County Raceway.”

I would counter that I don’t appreciate the inappropriate touching of my wallet to fund stupid government programs like unionizing all government employees, the Washington Democratic governors over the past 15 years pushing the expansion of gambling down our throats and their most recent vote at their Vancouver convention to legalize marijuana.

The county commissioners have always had a history of operating a first-class park and recreation department that is always pro-youth and pro-family. Why can’t a small portion of my tax money be spent on kids that are not in trouble and families that do things together?

The raceway facility was an inexpensive bargain that gives kids a place to race their cars on a supervised track and learn mechanical skills. Someday Bonnie Mager and Doug Clark, who want the small amount of raceway funds spent on jailed youth social programs, will learn the best social program for youth is employable skills and a job.

Thank you, Todd Mielke and Mark Richard, for your pro-family decency and common sense.

Ken Hills


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